Burst your bubbles


AUG 2016


Burst your bubbles

Most of us live in bubbles. We don't mean to do it, but it happens. We accrue a circle of friends who work in the same industry, come from similar walks of life, carry the same values, and...

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3 easy steps to avoid a nightmare teleconference


AUG 2016


3 easy steps to avoid a nightmare teleconference

As a member of the internet generation, I view the telephone with the same level of suspicion and fear as a 14th century pike-man gazing at a barrel of gunpowder. It's a nasty, potentially...

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Your font is your site's voice. Don't sound the same as everyone else


AUG 2016


Your font is your site's voice. Don't sound the same as everyone else

There are thousands of fonts out there. A staggering variety of methods to present text, set mood, and create a striking identity. But you wouldn't know it by browsing the web. Going by what you...

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How to set the right goals for your website redesign


JUL 2016


How to set the right goals for your website redesign

Goals .  Before you embark on a website redesign, you should sear that word into your mind. Goals make the difference between a great project that will generate value for you...

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How to avoid negativity online (and make sure you're not part of it)


FEB 2016


How to avoid negativity online (and make sure you're not part of it)

You've probably already noticed, but people can be jerks on the internet. Just downright mean and nasty. It doesn't matter what you do, whether your posting a blog for your business, sharing a...

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Dealing with burnout in the workplace


FEB 2016


Dealing with burnout in the workplace

Burnout in the workplace is becoming a more common topic these days. People are stressed, overworked, under-appreciated, and more and more they feel like they just can't cope. There are plenty...

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4 scams as old as the internet that people are still falling for


FEB 2016


4 scams as old as the internet that people are still falling for

Over the past twenty years, internet scams have gone from shadowy, lurking, cyber threats to the stuff of late night comedy fodder. We've all heard punchlines about Nigerian royalty and online...

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Dealing with domain squatting


JAN 2016


Dealing with domain squatting

The term "cyber squatting” may sound like something a futuristic hobo would do, but it is actually a very real problem that we face today. Otherwise known as "domain squatting” this is a...

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The Trouble with Templates


OCT 2014


The Trouble with Templates

I've noticed a disturbing trend over the last year or so, one which coincides with the rise in popularity of WordPress templates. Not that there is anything wrong with the templates...

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