We've added a new option to our membership management tools. Administrators now have the option to force members to confirm their account details (address, email, preferences, etc) upon...
We've added a new option to our LifeCart services. You can now embed a product onto any page of your website. This is ideal for attaching products next to relevant newsposts, blogs, specialty...
We've updated our membership administration UI to make it easier for administrators to quickly determine a member's current payment status. To check a user's membership status,...
We've added payment support for Bluefin! Bluefin is a US based payment processor that specializes Point-to-Point encryption to protect online transactions. If you would like to...
We've added a new feature to our membership management tools. There is now an option to require an admin to personally approve a new member before granting access to members-only content. ...
Lifeline Design Inc.
@ CSI 192 Spadina Ave.
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 2C7
Phone: 877 543 3110
Email: sales@lifelinedesign.ca
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