Forum users can now tag their posts according to topic category. This is handy for keeping track of who is talking about what or searching down threads about a particular topic! ...
We've added the powerful ability to see into the future to our forum software. Well, the immediate future of your next post anyway (no winning lotto numbers unfortunately). Forum...
We've issued a major update for our LifeCart system that will make adding or updating large numbers of products a breeze. You can now import existing product databases into LifeCart instead of...
We've recently made improvements to the software behind our document library file system. We've improved the system so you can still take advantage of our instant-search functionality even if...
A new update to our LifeConnect system is aimed at empowering workgroups! Workgroups can now be allowed to edit specific pages without needing an admin login. This will reduce the burden on...
Everybody makes mistakes, the important thing is how we correct them. If a user accidentally creates a discussion thread in the wrong forum, or a thread becomes hopelessly derailed from its...
Check our our new marketing links feature that allows you to easily create shortcut links to pages on your website.
We have introduced a new feature in our LifeConnect software, you can now designate different levels of membership with different levels of pricing for membership dues. This is...
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