
New bug testing and reporting tools added to make LifeWEB bug free!

3 AUG 2017 0

We're happy to announce today that we've added a new bug testing and reporting tool to our system! This automated reporting tool expands our bug hunting capabilities and will help us stamp out those few odd remaining bugs that pop up here and there.

How does this impact you as a user? Well, the new reporting system won't impact you directly. All of it is internal and automated, so you'll never need to fill out a report or do anything at all! However, you'll feel its effects as your website continues to improve as we stamp out minor errors and bugs that can delay load times or add inconsistencies to a page.

At Lifeline, we are committed to providing our clients with a superior online experience. We never settle for "good enough.” Instead, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our service and provide you, our clients, with more value and better performance. 

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